Bahir Ahmad is one such man who was sexually abused by Tatenda.

Explaining his ordeal in Swedish and translated into English on facebook ,Bahir seems to have been traumatised by the abuse.


Important! Read please!

Ok, the weirdest thing that happened today! Start from the beginning.

About a week ago I was on my way home after training, it was around 22:00. I see a female neighbor call me from the balcony. She says she needs help with something (in English). I can’t hear exactly what she says so she asked me to wait downstairs (in the yard). I’m waiting. She’s coming down, open the gate and ask if I could help her close the window. She says she has tried for a long time and can’t do it and that it is bare with her. I’m thinking, okay there’s nothing wrong with helping a neighbor.

Let’s go up to her, I go in, take off my shoes and ask which window that can’t be close? She points to “broken” the window so i go over to see if I can do something about it. While I go to the window, I see her lock the door and I feel the situation as something unpleasant. I will not be affected by it without doing my utmost to help her with the window. So I’m standing there, trying to find the problem (it was something wrong with the window) so I can go from there. I feel it’s something not right when she repeatedly gets too close to my personal space. Once again, I keep calm and do my utmost to shut that fucking window. She’s still standing very close! All of a sudden she caresses my genitalia, I had to draw a line I am. I turn around, ask her determined to move and ask what she doing (the whole conversation is in English). She looks at me with a smile saying the following ” what? Did raise your feelings?”. I look at her a few seconds and starts walking away very pissed off. Going up to the door and ask why the heck she lock the door behind you!? She found no answer but just opened the door. I’m starting to almost run away as soon as she opens the door. When I’m in the hallway, she screams, ” you are very sexy!” I’m going home, sick mad and feel some kind of disgusted by it all. Who the fuck does that?! Nevermind, I’ll let it go I am.

A few days after I have several friends and fifa night together. You know one of those ordinary boy’s night out where we’re sitting here talking about how the week has passed and full of shit. So I tell this to the and finds out that this person is a transsexual. I’m not gonna sit here and lie, I felt even more disgusted by the event then I’m very confident in my heterosexuality. I found out also that I am not the first victim.

Apparently, there were other person who has been in similar situations and been sexually harassed by her. Also this time I’m going shit the same, there are such people everywhere.

There goes a few more days. I’m out in the yard and small talking with some young people in the area when I very often play football with the and has also been practicing some of those. Some of these are in pubertetsålder so by instinct, I think of her. I’m asking if some of the know she who lives in the top row. The kids went off! They start talking in your mouth at each other and one telling me how she has invited him home, the other tells us how he helped her carry home her bags and then she invited him and that he has run away. They obviously know (via Facebook and Youtube) that she’s a transsexual, you know small town everyone knows everyone. Now I was pissed. I’m thinking what the heck is thinking man with!? It’s hell yeah baby!

After some research I find out who this person is. I remember her, I’ve just realised it’s she who lectured at härnö pride 2016 when I was there!? I may also find out that she also runs a nonprofit organization named Tatenda Movement (LGBT issues) and that she is a of those behind pride festival event 2017 here in härnösand. I’m thinking this is unacceptable. She’s supposed to be role model! I was just wondering if I should report her. She has committed a crime? Something has to be done.

We get to this day. I’m on my way home and see her with a guy. They go down the same road as me so i go up to her and says that she did last time was unacceptable. I also telling us what the kids have said to me. To someone that she won’t go around and preach to others. That she does not deserve organize any pride and that she should be ashamed. I tell you that sooner or later people will find out what she’s doing. She freaks, starts screaming and shooting himself. I see that she’s filming me, but you perceive not quite right she filming or says. I’ll also take out your phone to record it but she hit it off and putting a camera on me. After a little verbal scuffle, I leave the scene.

Going to take my sister but see her standing with the police 50 metres away. I’m stopping the car goes to the police to tell my version. Ready to write a police report and leaving the scene. I come home and think what a day man. A little later calling my sister to tell me about that she posted a video on their facebook page. I go in and see the post. I’m in shock. She describes me as Syrian, writes that I threatened her for religious reasons and hit her. How can a person lie like that!?

Anyone who knows me knows that none of this is true. Firstly, I won’t from Syria and to take cheap shots at Syrians like that’s just weird. Secondly, I am not very religious, and to blame this on Islam and Muslims once again shows what a tragic human being she is!

Thirdly, she says I called her black ugly which I would never do, my best friends are descended from Africa. Fourthly, I have many friends with different sexual orientation, it has never been a problem for me. Fifthly, I bought a ticket to härnö pride 2016 to come, support and listen to you! Shame I say! It’s sad that she is trying to turn this to me and to his advantage. I wouldn’t have cared if she hadn’t posted this on Facebook and tried to discredit me like that. I just want to tell the truth and here it is!