Well done .Thank you instagram.Thanking all the angels who made this to happen. Idiots of his calibre and musvorologists should be stopped. They are a danger to the morality of children and society.

Their behaviour is harmful not only to children and society’s moral development but it is psychologically unprogressive. People start thinking about private parts days on end and stop thinking about how to eradicate societal ills such as poverty, ignorance etc. As I type the world is facing a coronavirus ? health crisis because nations were busy developing and progressing vibrant porn industries instead of developing and progressing vibrant health systems. So sad.

Everything is dead in Zimbabwe and you are busy developing and progressing zvemachende , mapeche , nematako imbwa yemunhu zidzoro. Kutishoresa pese petafamba kuita mbiri yetsvina because of zvimbwa like you. Takuzi hatifungi apa we are at the bottom of the world .Nyika isewage and you are busy promoting zvekupenga. Kana chiri chikwambo enda wopengera kwevakaromba fokoro not kutinyadzisa painstagram. Kundofunga zvematako everytime nxaa ??.

I pray they block the satanic account for good in future. If anyone has his whatsapp number may you please send me ndibve ndamutaurira chakatadzisa imbwa kuseka kunyenama ichigona. Your help will be greatly appreciated ???.