Saturday, September 21, 2024

Video : Eating musvo in public

Eating musvo in public and these are adults behaving like this while other adults are busy laughing and taking video..Shame...

Said to be Musvorologist sister in Christ Blessy Madziva

Video upcoming : Musvorologist Blessy Madziva.She is a sister at UFIC church in the day and a musvorologist at night.She...

Video : Kushaina ngezvisina basa

"What an idiot kushaina ngemboro mumusoro idemhe .Dai mboro dzacho dzichifunga anhu atema dai tichitambura ere .Isadza ere .Acho mangezi...

Musvorologist : Rwanda Presidential Hopeful, 35 year old Diane Rwigara’s  musvos nudes Leak

  "The nude activist Diane will actually deliver sexual immorality and all other societal ills associated with it to the people...

Video : The slut in Scotland

These are sluts some black women wannabe and some black men are proudly calling wives.

Video musvo :

The sexual immorality ravaging the nation as ignorants believe that everything that a white person does is right. VIDEO    

Musvo video : The 21 year old Rumbi

This was in March 2017 in case you missed it in musvozimbabwe whatsapp group.The 21 year old is said to...

Musvorologist Ruramai Mutyambizi

...from Chiweshe.  

Video : Musvo dance

It never ends  
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