Videos – Drug fuelled Mugove Chizutu attempts suicide

WITH the little life that was left inside her, one woman fought to christen her newly born baby before breathing...

2 Videos : Said to be car accident married man with small house in...

Hapeno imi woye. Chimboitai anawasu . Ndimi anhu acho asi chendinoziya ngechekuti mufaro mwena kuteedza unoguma.

Images : Said to be Mercy in Warren Park assaulted by husband

" Not sure arakashirwa dzei. Ndaomawo moyo these days fellow Zimbabweans.Been trying since 2005 to raise awareness , help etc...

Video – Ex soldier bashes 4 students

FOUR Form four pupils at Jonas High School in Seke were forced to roll in the mud, in a river...

Video – ZRP officer drops yogurt

Hungry ZRP officer drops yogurt & eats it

ZRP causes an accident

Zimbabwe Republic Police - ZRP caused an accident after throwing a spike at a moving vehicle, crowds are angry and...

Herald entertainment editor Godwin Muzari commits suicide

" Hezvo ko munotorwadziwawo ??.Looks like he was so sick. You should have asked me to send you rtgs. Hapeno...

Zimbabwe nurses strike and the stupid placard

Of all the things they demand this stupid nurse is demanding pants.