Pervert Quonfuzed Confused Mcdonald Sheldon
Pervert Quonfuzed Mcdonald Sheldon at it abusing women on instagram .
Zanupf singer Soul Musaka jah love succumbs to drug abuse
A Zanupf singer Soul Musaka popularly known among youths as Soul Jah Love has died.The 31 year old succumbed to...
Video : Pretty Mvere aka Lisa in dirty musvo video
Tsvina video. Zvinotosiririsa Unfortunately you will never turn into white no matter how much you try to copy them. You...
Video : Singer Rockford Josphat aka Roki losing it
Rockford Josphat Roki ?? Shame. Looks like akupenga .
" Zimbabweans vanokupembedza uchiita ubenzi and wrong giving you fake titles like...
Video : Newly married dirty dancer Beverly Sibanda in action
Newly married Bev dirty dancing . Kwakutoti mai aenda kubasa. Amwe arumwe dzinonga pwere shuwa. Mafungire acho ndinotozvishairwa pazvo ....Mental...
Video : Sick Saul Musaka Soul Jah Love at fake prophet Magaya
" Yanetseka zvekuti zanu couple iyi in and out kwamagaya kekekeke seka hako wasu. Zanu yenyu yakaurayaka health system manje...
Video : Restaurant dancer
It looks like the restaurant is paying her to embarass herself . So sad. Zvakaoma idi