Watch : Filthy Zimbabwe police singing vulgar

Zimbabwe police singing vulgar in public .

Video: Destroyed livelihoods

Youthful rapists.Shame .Their future and livelihoods destroyed by Zanupf. VIDEO

Video : Man at work

Marketing VIDEO

Video: The bribery police officer said to have been arrested

"You remember that video we shared  where sisi Vee commented saying corruption is a two way process and citizen was...

Video : Child hit by car

To musvozimbabwe "This happened today Eastgate Cnr 2nd .Asi hapasisina marobots anoshanda kani or it's the same old type of pedestrians...

They call this disgusting behaviour a money making spree ‘art’ 

They are exploiting children in the name of money making drama whereby they draw crowds to buy their cds  through...

Videos : Pro and Against Magaya Soul Jah Love healing

Video 1 : Zimbabwean in America thinks Soul Jah Love was paid money by Magaya to fake healing Video 2 ....

Mentally disturbed Mandla Calvin Gumbo in filthy talk

" The sad thing is he doesn't even know kuti dzatodambuka.Mweya yetsvina chaiyo .Dzimwe nguva kanomboshaina nehure rechingezi  pamwe komboshaina...

Video : Zimbabwean man faking it

  Dee: Sisi Vee hanzi pane murume abatwa ku gokwe center ma puza dollar anga akapfeka semusikana achikechwa nevamwe  varume...

Video : Grandpa Phil dancing behind the wheel

Zvimwewo izvo driving ...and this is a 55+ grandfather still behaving like this .Really dangerous driving
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