Video : Mark Mensah abusing women in skits
Mensah Mark aka pastor Blinks is said to be an entertainer and he entertains by undressing and bathing women in...
Video : Woman with swollen vagina
Looks like she was bewitched for snatching someone's husband.
Video : Gogo facing it
Gogo facing it. Whatever she did uuummm. Could be a case of witchcraft but uuummm hapeno idi. The world is...
Video : Musvo woman causing havoc at graveyard
Woman causing havoc at graveyard. Shame
Videos : Naked Hekima Namarifa claims he is Jesus
Northcliff Jesus - family of naked woman found her but she's not 'entirely okay'
3 February 2020, 1:55PMĀ Botho Molosankwe
Tumelo Moabelo and...