Video : As mother attacks daughter
Jamaican mother clobbers daughter
Have been told the mother attacked her daughter for sending a voicenote to a boyfriend after some...
Video : The white man who failed to pay the black woman
Kekekekekekeke seka hako wasu
Updated Musvo video: On about mini dress scuffle
Translated "Sisi Vee the woman in the video is saying the people that are selling the clothes are the crazy...
Video : Muzvambarara
Ndodzeduka idzi anasisi vee muzvambarara wemota not tuzvigwishu twekuti ukakotsora kobuda .
Video : Said to be Mpho whose vagina was stuffed with chilli by Zimbabwean...
Mpho is said to have been accused of doing musvo with a Zimbabwean man...probably married.
+27 : Sisi Vee. South...