Video: Teacher plays wrong file in class
Sewage teacher plays wrong file in class ...plays musvo video
Video: Decomposing body in sewer
Zimbabweans are drinking the rotten water and still dont rise up.
I0a3s : Body found in Sunningdale tanks in decomposition...
Video:Chiedza Tawuchira Mavangira over the top
If only people can use social media responsibly.The crowd of strangers on facebook you are pleasing will never be your...
Video : Drunk Zanu Republic Police (ZRP) drunk
I wish I was the president . First 6 months I will be firing and hiring government officials and civil...
Video : The dirty dancing stopped
The church sewage wedding dance.
May God bless the wise man on the mic. Basa kungofunga zvesewage zvega zvega kutadza kana...