Videos : Pro and Against Magaya Soul Jah Love healing
Video 1 : Zimbabwean in America thinks Soul Jah Love was paid money by Magaya to fake healing
Video 2 ....
They call this disgusting behaviour a money making spree ‘art’
They are exploiting children in the name of money making drama whereby they draw crowds to buy their cds through...
CCTV : Zimbabwean man robbed R20 000 in broad shop light
So came the message to sisi Vee
"Sis Vee how are you?
Am trying to upload a CCTV footage of my eldest...
Video : How zanupf thugs do worse than this
C91 : Hi sisi Vee
C91 : I thought that video could remind everyone how the white man treated...
Video : Bonyora man seems not to be doing alright
...and instead of getting help he gets lashes
Video : Said to be Mpho whose vagina was stuffed with chilli by Zimbabwean...
Mpho is said to have been accused of doing musvo with a Zimbabwean man...probably married.
+27 : Sisi Vee. South...
Video : The fight for huku
Video : The fight for huku and the man is busy shooting a video