Video : Musvorologist shaving
Ndozvinongofungwa kuti tione .They empower their vaginas and buttocks and not their brains thats why women empowerment has failed ."...
Musvorologists Tariro and Sphiwe
1.18 year old musvorologist said to be Sphiwe Njonda allegedly sending her musvo to gonyeti drivers
2.Said to be musvorologist Tariro...
Video : Musvorologist Mandla Calvin Gumbo masturbating
Mandla Calvin Gumbo who shares his musvo videos and images with various musvo women.
Video : Gogo doing musvo with bottle
Ladies and gentleman I am gogo but age is just a number. I have what it takes.
Video : 21 year olds celebrating graduation
Back in the days people used to celebrate with books.
Video : Doing musvo in public
Video and images : Doing musvo outside .
"If we black people spend 90% of our time thinking about issues that...