As someone approached by Dereck Brian Nyamushamba confirms the musvos are his

  Derick has since said to sisi Vee he is not gay and the musvos it's not him March18: Good morning...

Musvorologist dance on stage

Musvorologist Zodwa copy cat.

Video : Musvo outside

When sexual immorality has gone to the dogs human beings start behaving like dogs.   VIDEO  

Musvorologist Memory Chisadza

My name is Memory Chisadza .I am available.

Video : Tatenda Karigambe Tatellicous over the top

  Fellow Zimbabweans this is so heartbreaking .Hakunawo hama dzingamubatsira ere. So sad vamwe vedu vanopembedza someone needing help vapedza voseka....

Video: Doing musvo in full view of peeping Toms

Doing musvo in full view of crowd VIDEO

Dzivarasekwa Musvorologist Fiki aka Tanyaradzwa Asani

Current update :  ? Musvorologist Fiki there is Tanyaradzwa Asani.She is a God fearing woman who used to work at...

Video : Doing musvo outside on car

  UK : I give up really I do Sisi Vee: Love zvakaoma .It's so hard to understand. Everyday I...

Musvorologists : Harare , Mabvuku Polyclinic employee Abel Shoko and girlfriend

  The man who is said to be from Mbare is seen resting naked with a so far unnamed girlfriend who...

Video : Kushaina ngezvisina basa

"What an idiot kushaina ngemboro mumusoro idemhe .Dai mboro dzacho dzichifunga anhu atema dai tichitambura ere .Isadza ere .Acho mangezi...
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