Images :Meet me in Sakubva Mutare
Come and meet me in Mutare , Sakubva kumaOT for a blind date. Please get in touch.
Video : I am Portia please get in touch
? I was sending my musvos video to married man on valentine day to celebrate their marriages.
NaValentine wacho nekumuziya hamumuziyi.
Video : Musvorologist posing
I am a free spirit no one can stop reggae. My body my life .
Video :Enjoying our marriage in Zimbabwe
Our bedroom antics . See the skills. Me and my wife enjoying our marriage . Who are you to stop...
Video : Musvo entertainers
This weird world.? Those musvorologist men who entertain women . Mabasa asatan chaiwo. Zvakaoma idi. If all this time wasted...
Musvo : Proudly musvorologist
This is who I am . The meaning of women empowerment , my body my freedom to flash it.