Video : Cheaters caught pants down

Cheaters caught in the act.   VIDEO

Married lawyer Edmore Jori crashes chasing girlfriend Michelle Kawome

It's not Zanupf Joram Gumbo dead in accident it's said to be a cheating husband Edmore Jori.The images of the...

Video : Dada Morero and Neo Modise musvo

Said to be Dada Morero and Neo Modise musvo video VIDEO

Video : Woman undresses over husband cheating

Woman goes bersek. Said to have heard that husband was at Avani hotel with smell house , followed, was denied...

Video : Married amuhule caught red handed doing musvo

  " But amwe anhu acho akapusa who end up marrying mahule is it not arume . Just wondering . Munonyeperana...

UK based womaniser Wellington Kagonye (49) cheating on his partner : Victim

A woman has shared her agony pertaining to a man she trusted and helped when he was in need of...

Video : Cheating married man and married woman caught

Married man and married woman caught pants down VIDEO

1.Married gay and Bulawayo manager Gerald Zhou accused of sexual exploitation of male employees

A married Inclusive Financial Services managing director Gerald Zhou who is said to be gay has been accused of exploiting...

Godwin Sungai and girlfriend Covay Tizira found dead in Masvingo

Sunday, 26 March 2017 A 44 year old security guard who was working for Guard Alert and his suspected girlfriend, all...
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