Video : Profake found in bush praying for naked woman

The man was interrupted before accomplishing his unholy mission. "Zvimachurch zvedu izvi .Chimuprophet caught praying for naked woman.Next time kwapurai zvese...

Musvorologist said to be Dr Goto’s wife cheating with Renias

Said to be Dr Goto's wife cheating with a money changer Renias.

Eric Knight embarrasses me : Moira

  Moira, daughter to veteran broadcaster Eric Knight, says she is affected by her father’s shenanigans. The budding artiste expressed her dismay...

Married Godfrey Mutongoreya accused of deserting wife for Raviro Nduru

A disgruntled Zimbabwean hs written to Sisi Vee saying , Musikana uyu anonzi Raviro Nduru anetsa muJohannesburg nekudanana nevarume wevanhu. Anonzi ane...

Video : Said to be in Gokwe madzibaba wefake caught sexing someone’s wife .

  " Shame .Iri nyaya yemusvo .As if single women are finished " Said sisi Vee. VIDEO

Jacqueline Ngarande bashes married boyfriend Wisdom Hodza’s wife

Jacqueline Ngarande seen in red car came face to face with Wisdom Hodza's wife.She is said to have physically attacked...

Video : Married woman Nyasha caught red handed with boyfriend Elliot Mandishara

Update : Elliot Mandishara is the man in video cheating with married woman Nyasha .He works at DRSS next to State...

Married musvorologist Cynthia Tatenda Matingo with boyfriend

A cheating married woman was caught red handed by this reporter cheating .To read more of her stories please search...

Married lawyer Edmore Jori crashes chasing girlfriend Michelle Kawome

It's not Zanupf Joram Gumbo dead in accident it's said to be a cheating husband Edmore Jori.The images of the...
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