Married musvorologist Cynthia Tatenda Matingo with boyfriend

A cheating married woman was caught red handed by this reporter cheating .To read more of her stories please search...

Video : Oscar Dzikamai Mbofana small house under attack

"Small house under attack ? Vanhu havana zvekuita shuwa. Stooping so low mukore uno wesmart phone kurovera munhu murume kekekekeke...

Video : Fixed in bin

  Fixed for sexing someone's wife. VIDEO

Videos : Ex -wife Grace Mupesa exposes fake prophet Casper Bonga musvo

Musvorologist prophet Casper Bonga kekekekeke seka hako wasu. Ndozvinoitwa Grace not kutipedzera nguva kungotenderera semweya wetsvina. Thank you so much....

Married lawyer Edmore Jori crashes chasing girlfriend Michelle Kawome

It's not Zanupf Joram Gumbo dead in accident it's said to be a cheating husband Edmore Jori.The images of the...

Images : The couple that got stuck

Blabbermouth saying a couple got stuck while doing musvo " Yava batai batai mumusha weWaterfalls muna Masocha pasangano re Johanne masowe...

Video : Woman undresses over husband cheating

Woman goes bersek. Said to have heard that husband was at Avani hotel with smell house , followed, was denied...

Video : Man caught proposing married woman

Old man given size for knowingly proposing married woman VIDEO

As prostituting friends get mad after wife to husband exposes them to Musvo

Two prostituting friends who are in the habit of going for the same men as a plan to steal money...
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