Video : Wife catches small house Millicent Rutendo Chandavengerwa

UZ student Millicent Rutendo Chandavengerwa set up ndiye dhuma dhuma with the wife of the man she's going out with...

Video : Small house caught by wife

Amuhule caught by wife and tete being driven to beach for her size. VIDEO

Videos : Manica post Clayton Masekesa in mud over sex with married woman

Said to have "happened this afternoon 07 June in Mutare. The adulterer is a well known person in Mutare City,...

Video : Man caught sexing someone’s wife

Man caught pants down sexing someone's wife VIDEO

As Wellington speaks out to Musvo Zimbabwe

Musvozimbabwe I write to you regarding the article you published on your website on 16 February 2016 titled Whatsapp :UK based...

Video : Musvorologist Tinashe caught red handed

Said to be Tinashe who was sexing his friend's wife. Doing musvo with friend's wife. How evil is that and...

Video and images: Pastor Moses Miles Madzinga looking for hook up

Pastor Moses Miles Madzinga has written looking for girls .If interested  please find his contacts and items ?? Musvo video and...

3 Videos : Man battered for sexing married woman

The man got a beating for affair with married woman VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2 VIDEO 3
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