Video : Profake found in bush praying for naked woman

The man was interrupted before accomplishing his unholy mission. "Zvimachurch zvedu izvi .Chimuprophet caught praying for naked woman.Next time kwapurai zvese...

Video : Married woman Nyasha caught red handed with boyfriend Elliot Mandishara

Update : Elliot Mandishara is the man in video cheating with married woman Nyasha .He works at DRSS next to State...

Video : Mai Mutsa caught cheating

Cheating mai Mutsa VIDEO

Video : Cheating married man and married woman caught

Married man and married woman caught pants down VIDEO

Prophetic ministries Ezekiel Masiyandima small house Melania Madamombe

A Chitungwiza-based prophet has divided his congregants after dumping his wife for a younger woman from his church. Chitungwiza based prophet...

Video : Beware of CBZ employee Natasha Guzha

She is said to be a serial husband snatcher

Videos : Penis cut off for cheating

Blambi cut off over cheating VIDEO 1   VIDEO 2

Video : Married man caught cheating

Cheating   VIDEO  
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