Musvo artist Vimbai Zimuto
Musvorologist Vimbai Zimuto Kekekeke kutofara kuti she has gained 2k followers in the last 24 hours . Kufarira mbiri yetsvina...
Video : I can dance
I can dance. I won the dancing competition. Thank you for sharing
Ntokozo Masie Ndlovu in shameful public behaviour
So called Zimbabwean artist Ntokozo Masie Ndlovu is originally from Bulawayo but now resident in Harare.
Video: The water melon dance
" I won the creative dance award. Thank you for sharing "
Video : Chisipite senior college song
The Chisipite senior college song that irked the principal
Video : That munotidako idiot
We cant even go for live shows nemhuri because angova maoccasions emahule and yet it should not be like that.
Videos: Pokello fingered as struggle continues between Stunner and wife
Married Pokello Nare ,ex girlfriend to Stunner has been fingered in the mess ravaging Stunner and Olinda's marriage.Pokello is said...