Thursday, September 19, 2024

Video : That munotidako idiot

We cant even go for live shows nemhuri because angova maoccasions emahule and yet it should not be like that.

Singer Trevor Dongo in fist fight over girl greeting : Hurt after attack.

Singer Trevor Dongo is seen in 53sec video in a fist fight with a street man as cheerleaders encourage the...

Videos : Mtukudzi refutes fake death by troll Tete Lisa as +44 77 32...

The tete Lisa team is at it again lying about musician Oliver Mtukudzi's death.The team and site deliberately lie about...

Zanupf singer Soul Musaka jah love succumbs to drug abuse

A Zanupf singer Soul Musaka popularly known among youths as Soul Jah Love has died.The 31 year old succumbed to...

Skimbo appeared in court today as Lady Squanda who is at large apologises

// // // // // Skimbo Tatenda Matika who was assaulted by Squanda Sandra Gazi and her thugs appeared in...

Video : Sewage singers Garo rinobatwa ipapo ipapo

  "The effects of bad governance courtesy of zanupf misrule. Really sad . The sad thing is these boys know this...

Video:Zanupf singer Saul Musaka Soul Jah wrecked by drugs

Zanupf Saul Musaka Kekekekeke seka hako wasu . He really looks like a junk yard kunga ari kugara muchuru. Hazi he...

Video : Musvo bottle dancer

Uuuumm VIDEO

Video: Dancing musvorologist at it

Shame   VIDEO

Video: Miss Zanupf competition

"Kekekekeke mafungiro edu anotopedza simba. Kunatsa kubuda mumba kuti ndakuenda kumiss zanupf . I doubt if our black brains think...
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