Videos: Like the gospel singer Felistas giving lessons at kitchen party

A divorced gospel musician caused a scene by her sexually suggestive dances at her all white kitchen top up party...

Video:Zanupf singer Saul Musaka Soul Jah wrecked by drugs

Zanupf Saul Musaka Kekekekeke seka hako wasu . He really looks like a junk yard kunga ari kugara muchuru. Hazi he...

Video : Zodwa stooping low on stage naked

Zodwa Wabantu's fans are fuming after a video of her being "touched inappropriately" by male fans went viral. The video, seemingly...

Video : Sick Saul Musaka Soul Jah Love at fake prophet Magaya

  " Yanetseka zvekuti zanu couple iyi in and out kwamagaya kekekeke seka hako wasu. Zanu yenyu yakaurayaka health system manje...

Video : Pretty Mvere aka Lisa in dirty musvo video

Tsvina video. Zvinotosiririsa Unfortunately you will never turn into white no matter how much you try to copy them. You...

Soul Jah Love attends Magaya church for leg healing

The singer Saul Musaka is said to have attended the church due to the leg wound not healing fast enough. "The...

Soul Jah Love claims healing as he composes song for the prophet

The dancehall singer who claims to have diabetes  was last week  seen performing in a wheel chair due to a...

Video : Artistic musvorologist

Look at my art VIDEO

Barbara Mukudzei Gutu

Obert Gutu's daughter.    
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