Video : SA police after naked family of witches

They were caught red handed VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2

Videos : Fed up man shoots thief at South African mall

Police are investigating a fatal shooting after a man in Limpopo shot a criminal he saw running away with his...

Video : woman cuts dead woman to remove twins as doctors denied he medical...

Cameroon :A pregnant woman went to the hospital, but doctors refused to attend to her because she could not pay...

Video : Mike Hodge survives lion attack

  Wildlife park owner is dragged away and attacked by a lion in front of screaming onlookers after he entered its...

Video: Suicidal man who jumped from building seeks sh450 000 for treatment

The man who jumped from the top of Mabirizi Complex in an attempted suicide has expressed shock at how he...

Man masquerading as female prostitute

Man masquerading as female prostitute.

Two men appear in SA court accused of forcing black man into coffin

The video which was sent to musvozimbabwe went viral after it was widely circulated by sisi Vee and also uploaded...

Appeal : Missing in Tanzania since 2018: Zimbabwean Nelissa Chavava

  Fellow Zimbabweans , Tanzanians and all citizens of the world may you please help us locate Zimbabwean Nelissa Chavava ....
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