Married SA female cop bribed for sex

Employee undressing for musvo

Images : Bath time

A reminds of the good old days in the village

Musvorologist : Rwanda Presidential Hopeful, 35 year old Diane Rwigara’s  musvos nudes Leak

  "The nude activist Diane will actually deliver sexual immorality and all other societal ills associated with it to the people...

Appeal : Missing in Tanzania since 2018: Zimbabwean Nelissa Chavava

  Fellow Zimbabweans , Tanzanians and all citizens of the world may you please help us locate Zimbabwean Nelissa Chavava ....

Viewer Discretion : Said to be currently happening in Mozambique

Said to be currently happening in Mozambique

Ghanaian live in carer allegedly caught having sex with her sick client

Ghanaian girl caught allegedly having sex with her client while doing a live-in. The family became suspicious when their dad...

Video :Come here my darling

Come here my darling   VIDEO

Men shot in failed robbery

"Men shot tyring to rob at Shell garage in Cosmo City Randburg" Said a source

Video: Congolese Minister fired for masturbating in office

The Deputy Minister of Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a, has been fired...