Ghanaian live in carer allegedly caught having sex with her sick client
Ghanaian girl caught allegedly having sex with her client while doing a live-in. The family became suspicious when their dad...
Video: Congolese Minister fired for masturbating in office
The Deputy Minister of Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a, has been fired...
Musvorologist : Rwanda Presidential Hopeful, 35 year old Diane Rwigara’s musvos nudes Leak
"The nude activist Diane will actually deliver sexual immorality and all other societal ills associated with it to the people...
Two men appear in SA court accused of forcing black man into coffin
The video which was sent to musvozimbabwe went viral after it was widely circulated by sisi Vee and also uploaded...
Video: Suicidal man who jumped from building seeks sh450 000 for treatment
The man who jumped from the top of Mabirizi Complex in an attempted suicide has expressed shock at how he...