ZANUPF thug and private sex worker Nyarry Zinanga accused of spreading HIV knowingly

A ZANUPF  internet thug  and woman of the night Nyarry aka Nyari Zinanga is said to be spreading HIV knowingly . ...

Beware: Prostitute Eve Curios Munyoro spreading HIV knowingly

A Zimbabwen supposedly married prostitute Eve Curios Munyoro is said be spreading HIV knowingly amid claims of a history of...

Simba Kuuya gets two years for spreading HIV knowingly

A 32 year old man has been jailed for more than two years for infecting a woman whom he met...

Mandla Calvin Gumbo and Keffi Mukomera

Images : " Ukaona uri DJ usina AIDS ziva kuti haugoni kuridza." Musvorologist DJ Mandla Calvin Gumbo 14 October 2019. At...

Felistas Murata mai titi in spreading HIV knowingly shame

Naija News : 28/05/18. Zimbabwean HIV positive comedian Felistas Murata in Suicide Crisis after her ex- husband married a beautiful juicy...

Fortune Mapfunde accused of spreading HIV knowingly and snatching husbands

Fortune Mapfunde who is accused of going out with married men is also said to be spreading HIV knowingly .Writing...

Said to be Tafadzwa Shonhiwa spreading deadly disease

Unverified . Said to Tafadzwa Shonhiwa spreading disease knowingly

Zimbabwean Farai Bvumbe aka Sir Fatso Bvumbe accused of spreading HIV knowingly in UK...

Fellow Zimbabweans ,please be aware that Farai Bvumbe (pictured) has been accused of spreading HIV knowingly in UK .Please take...

Spreading HIV Pretty Gwiriri :Mugabe’s bodyguard Roleen Gandiwa’s ex-girlfriend

Spreading HIV knowingly is , Pretty Gwiriri , Roleen Gandiwa's ex girlfriend in South Africa .It is said Roleen later...

UK: Zimbabwean ZANU PF Youth Leader Kithlitany Mawarire said to have used a fake...

A ZANU PF youth thug in UK, Kithlitany Mawarire (Kith) and his brother Ethen Mawarire aka Tronics Mawarire are said...
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