Video : Caught attempting to steal school children

Man said to have been arrested at Borrowdale Primary School almost stealing two children... VIDEO  

Linda Masarira in court for theft

Opposition politician Ms Linda Masarira appeared in court facing allegations of selling her landlord’s property worth US$3 140 before converting...

Video : Zimbabwe armed robbers in South Africa

Said to be South Africa armed robbers . Heard they were about 25 or 24 , 1 Tswana etc and...

Videos : Fat screen thieves nabbed in Harare

Zimbabwe thieves in South Africa. No wonder they burn us and chase us away. Who wants thieves as visitors ? VIDEO   2...

Wannabe zanupf politician Onesimo Ushendibaba up for rape

  The rapist is said to be a well known womaniser too. When approached by sisi Vee for clari fication the man...

Video : Chombo , Chipanga and Hamandishe arrested for

  Former Finance Minister Ignatius Chombo was yesterday arrested for criminal abuse of office over the way he handled the Garikai/Hlalani...

Zimbabwe child minder abusing baby

Zimbabwe maid abusing boss child. VIDEO

Amuhule Rutendo Loveness Saurombe in credit card theft

Talking about blambi is Amuhule Rutendo Loveness Saurombe in credit card theft 2001 Woman charged with credit card theft From The Montgomery Bureau GATTHERSBURG...

Mother kills child over prostitution

Zimbabwean woman who poisoned 21 year old son after he challenged her over her prostitution. Ndokutopenga kwacho. " Pana amai vauraya mwana...
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