School teacher Johannes Muchimba up for raping school girl

  Writing to musvozimbabwe last week a source said , "Sisi vee, teachers in Binga are terrorising school girls. Another teacher at...

Borehole conmen Robson Mhuriro and Kumbirai Simon Kanyenze disappear with US$5000

  Habitual borehole conmen Robson Mhurira and Kumbirai Kanyenze are on the loose after conning two different clients. Anyone else conned by...

UK Margaret Dhokwani aka Mag Trudy Dee (FB) accused of stealing £3000

A frustrated man has spoken of how he is saying he was duped into parting with £3000 by a woman...

Videos : Jilted husband vows to shoot Ivan Kituka

Jilted Husband Vows To Shoot Housing Finance Bank Boss For Bonking His Wife To Cabbages By Hannington Mbabazi October 12, 2020 Ivan Kituka, the...

Video: Baby dumping

? Despite what happened with the father I strongly feel it really needs an evil heart to dig a hole...

Rutendo Loveness Saurombe in credit card theft

Rutendo Loveness Saurombe in credit card theft 2001 Woman charged with credit card theft From The Montgomery Bureau GATTHERSBURG A 23 year- old...

Eastlea Mikob car dealer thief Amos Muleya wanted for car hijacking and chicken scam

  An armed car thief and highjacker Amos Muleya who is on the run in a stolen car has also been...

Chitungwiza man allegedly murders cheating partner Wendy

Murdered Wendy : Police should interview the person using this number  +263 77 343 5399 associated with Wendy's murder.The number...

Anesu Mafokosho axes husband (Vitalis Mudhumo) over child christmas presents

Anesu Mafokosho axes hubby(Vitalis Mudhumo) to death . . . Xmas presents for child sparked the attack Homicide detectives in Mutare...
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