Video : Tsikamutanda

Munhu mutema VIDEO  

Video : Man oozing honye after sexing friend’s wife

Man oozing honye at n'anga after doing musvo with friend's wife. VIDEO

Karoi family seen fighting naked early morning

A family of mother and her daughter , son in law called Lucky Kwarara and children were seen naked fighting...

Video : Musvo spirit at the airport

Video : Musvo at airport. Blabbermouth saying "*African Science* " This Lady came from US to Ghana and divorced her husband...

Bees arrest Uganda thief

Said to be Masindi town in Uganda. A man stole woofers and the bees were sent to arrest him. He...

Video : Woman gives birth to chicken

In Chimanimani a woman is said to have given birth to a chicken.   VIDEO

Video : The musvo witch at graveyard

Caught witching   VIDEO

Video : Should be a naked witch

Looks like she was flying and landed there VIDEO

Kudakwashe Terrence Kaswa fine after car hijack

Police found his passport in his car. His car was used as a get away car by robbers who had stolen...
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