Video: Fights in Uganda parliament

  Fighting broke out in Uganda's parliament for a second day between lawmakers pushing for a change in laws to remove...

Video : Wasu roasting family relish

Kubvura baboon for eating. Even kukara nyama kwacho . Anawasu anomboita zvimwe zvimabehaviour zviri very weird. Munotsverudza zvekuti baba namai...

Musvorologist waitresses

Our world  

Videos :Supermarkets and service stations refusing bond notes as Sisi Vee contacts Mangundya

Musvozimbabwe has been made to understand that the official introduction of the Reserve bank bond notes today is a farce.Supermarkets...

Image : Stuck on tree

Shame .The boy was stuck struggling inside as efforts to rescue him were proving to be fruitless.  

Video : Faeces sandwich

Zvinosiririsa VIDEO

Video : Disgraced Zanupf Chihuri in Malawi elections rigging scam

  " Kunyadzisa kwazvo kuita mbiri yetsvina pese petasvika and we never learn. I bet only 10% of Zimbabwesns still have...