Video : Man caught with human bones

Zimbabwe man caught with corpse . Claims he was given an official letter to traffic the bones. VIDEO

Video and images : Tanzania woman zombie story

WATCH THE VIDEO Version 1 Veduwee mainzwawo yemurume akaisa sister vake vaanoteedzana naye museptic tank . Zvainzi sister vake vakafa last 4years...

Video :Driving doing musvo with object

What a nutter VIDEO

 Sewage DJ Stavo and his rapist graphic designer Hastings Rwizi : Kushaina ngemboro mukore...

UPDATE : The Sewage DJ Stavo and his rapist designer in red Fellow Zimbabweans we have since established that imbwa iyo...

Video : Musvo spirit at the airport

Video : Musvo at airport. Blabbermouth saying "*African Science* " This Lady came from US to Ghana and divorced her husband...

Video : As habitual deliberate liar Zimeye Simbarashe Chikanza lies about Apostle Chiwenga...

  "Kekekekeke seka hako wasu .Hadzina kutokwana dzaSimba uyu.Atori nepsychological problem chaiyo. He spits flames of lies deliberately. That's how he...

Video: Man masturbating in public

uuummm so sad VIDEO

Video : Naked witchy man lands

He fell down after a misunderstanding with with other witches while flying VIDEO

Images : Machende enguruve served with salad and rice

  My dear sister there and baby admin. She enjoys a plate of machende enguruve every month. She just likes them. ...
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