Video : Caught red handed doing musvo

Caught red handed cheating.   VIDEO

How married Tawanda Gunja destroyed my marriage to Francisca ‘Mufandarabwa’

The agony of a cheated man : How married Tawanda Gunja destroyed my marriage to Francisca 'Mufandarabwa' "How are you sisi...

Video : Cheater caught pants down

It never ends with cheaters caught pants down.   VIDEO        

ZANUPF habitual internet terrorist Michelle Stunning at it again

Habitual internet terrorist Michelle Stunning ,pictured and using a fake facebook name is at it again terrorising people on their facebook walls. Word...

Eric Knight embarrasses me : Moira

  Moira, daughter to veteran broadcaster Eric Knight, says she is affected by her father’s shenanigans. The budding artiste expressed her dismay...

Video: Man getting the beating for sexing women relatives

Man who sexed married woman and wanted the aunt too VIDEO

Images : The couple that got stuck

Blabbermouth saying a couple got stuck while doing musvo " Yava batai batai mumusha weWaterfalls muna Masocha pasangano re Johanne masowe...

Video : Dr Ambi feeling the dick

Dr Ambi kekekekekeke kuita as if jacket racho rakanamira The Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association has come gun blazing against the Minister...

Video : Oscar Dzikamai Mbofana small house under attack

"Small house under attack ? Vanhu havana zvekuita shuwa. Stooping so low mukore uno wesmart phone kurovera munhu murume kekekekeke...

Video – Married woman caught cheating

Cheating stars   VIDEO
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