Video : Our looted funds Chatunga Mugabe clubing

The Chatungas Mugabe having a good time enjoying the loot they stole from us.

Video – Sick musvo

Sick musvo   VIDEO  

Video : Fraudster Genius Kadungure showing off his loot

Ginimbi the fraudster there bragging about his car dzemari yekuba ...shame uone zvakaita nyika and some thief is busy bragging...

Eric Knight denies it’s him chatting with girl

Zanupf Eric Knight said to be chatting nethis woman and even sending her his musvo. He has denied it's him...

Videos : Felistas Murata lies that ex boyfriend Blessing plans to kill her in...

A  Zimbabwean woman well known for her lies  ,frequenting pubs in Glenview Zimbabwe and shamed for spreading HIV knowingly is...

Model Pauline Mapuvire accused of donor funds abuse as she claims concert raised...

  Writing to sisi Vee ,a concened citizen claimed that after the fundraising Pauline took a vacation to Botswana . Pauline who...

Video: Drunk police office in Bubi

Does anyone know this supposed to be police officer fellow Zimbabweans really drunk and cursing I hear he is always drunk...

Zanupf porn star William Gerald Lumumba appointed ministry spokesman

Finance minister Mthulisi Ncube has appointed porn star William Gerald Lumumba finance ministry spokesman "and to imagine that a professor gave...

Images : So sick

So sick
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