Video : Zanupf bootlicking muchembere

  Dzinodhonza: Shes just a summary of Zimbabweans. Evil ,Dumb and Selfish (EDs) . Takangwarira zvisina basa nekundoti chero zvangu zvaita....

Video : Knife wielding zanupf thug arrested

They have got him ???? kekekekekeke I dont watch movies but if this brother of ours appears as the main...

Ex zanupf minister of health David Parirenyatwa arrested

Former Zanupf health and childcare minister, David Parirenyatwa, was arrested Thursday on allegations of criminal abuse of office.  

Video : Gun bragging zanupf thug Trevor Kudenga arrested

Zanupf thug Trevor Kudenga fired shot Have received news that gun trotting zanupf Trevor Kudenga has been arrested and detained at...
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