Nyasha Nyorovai Noreen Del Campo nee Mujuru (31) is dating HIV positive Owen “Patrao”...

Joyce Mujuru's daughter, Nyasha Del Campo nee Mujuru is in a hush-hush relationship with Mutare a ngoda boy Owen Chinouya...

Beware: Prostitute Eve Curios Munyoro spreading HIV knowingly

A Zimbabwen supposedly married prostitute Eve Curios Munyoro is said be spreading HIV knowingly amid claims of a history of...

Simba Kuuya gets two years for spreading HIV knowingly

A 32 year old man has been jailed for more than two years for infecting a woman whom he met...

Man speared for sexing someone’s wife

Gokwe man said to have been speared after he was caught red handed with someone's wife  

UK based womaniser Wellington Kagonye (49) cheating on his partner : Victim

A woman has shared her agony pertaining to a man she trusted and helped when he was in need of...

Mandla Calvin Gumbo and Keffi Mukomera

Images : " Ukaona uri DJ usina AIDS ziva kuti haugoni kuridza." Musvorologist DJ Mandla Calvin Gumbo 14 October 2019. At...

Video : Samantha Nzira cheating husband with boss

  " Samantha Nzira's husband works for Nyaradzo group" said a source. VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2
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