Thursday, September 19, 2024


Video : Small house facing it

Kekekekekekeke VIDEO

Mandla Calvin Gumbo and Keffi Mukomera

Images : " Ukaona uri DJ usina AIDS ziva kuti haugoni kuridza." Musvorologist DJ Mandla Calvin Gumbo 14 October 2019. At...

Video : Woman undresses over husband cheating

Woman goes bersek. Said to have heard that husband was at Avani hotel with smell house , followed, was denied...

Said to be Tafadzwa Shonhiwa spreading deadly disease

Unverified . Said to Tafadzwa Shonhiwa spreading disease knowingly

Married lawyer Edmore Jori crashes chasing girlfriend Michelle Kawome

It's not Zanupf Joram Gumbo dead in accident it's said to be a cheating husband Edmore Jori.The images of the...

Suspicion as Moonraiser CEO and said fraudster Tk Smoothe is associated with Go fund...

As has become very popular amongst Zimbabweans in the diaspora many of who are opening Go Fund me pages to...

Images : The musvo bench

The musvo park. The bench at Muliro Gardens in Nairobi, Kenya. Pictures taken in 2012.  

Video : Zimbabwe man penis skinnned for cheating

? Video and images- Zimbabwe man penis skinned for sexing someone's wife " Zvakaoma idi . We never learn for sure....

1.Married gay and Bulawayo manager Gerald Zhou accused of sexual exploitation of male employees

A married Inclusive Financial Services managing director Gerald Zhou who is said to be gay has been accused of exploiting...

As Emma Gwafa leaves behind a trail of hurt men

Ndakapererwa last month when I discovered my girlfriend left me for UK kunonzi Yorkshire and dumped me used me and...
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