Video : Man caught sexing relative’s wife .

  " Shame maningi. Zvakaoma idi.Thank you for bashing the bastard. What an idiot.At least have a conscience. So sad idi....

Videos : Penis cut off for cheating

Blambi cut off over cheating VIDEO 1   VIDEO 2

Abusive Zimbabwean terrorist Hebson Ruvaza is named and shamed

An abusive Zimbabwean terrorist Hebson Ruvaza will curse the day he thought he was hiding behind his phone number until...

Video : Married amuhule caught red handed doing musvo

  " But amwe anhu acho akapusa who end up marrying mahule is it not arume . Just wondering . Munonyeperana...

UK :Beware of Robert Mugabe’s man: ZANUPF abusive thug Taka Chivore

The violent ZANUPF thug Taka Chivore is well known for terrorising those who speak against Mugabe.The paid to kill thug...

Video : Musvo Mpho Mupi battered for sexing married woman

Mpho Mupi was caught doing musvo with a married woman and they beat him up " Kekekekekeke an adult going through...

Bikita chief Mupakwa and girlfriend

72 year old Bikita chief Mupakwa and girlfriend.Using government issued vehicle for illicit purposes and prostitution. Thats the chief...

Brenda Chimanga masquearading as a soldier as she haunts woman

Bridget Chimanga who masquerades as a soldier accused of snatching husband Jonathan Bandawe A Zimbabwean woman Bridget Chimanga today reminded sisi...

Video : Gonyeti driver wife musvo with boyfriend

Cheating with boyfriend VIDEO

Images : So sick

So sick
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