Video : Samantha Nzira cheating husband with boss

  " Samantha Nzira's husband works for Nyaradzo group" said a source. VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2

Videos : Cheaters caught red handed

Woman facing it for cheating husband 2 VIDEOS   Man facing it for sexing married woman VIDEO

Video : Fake pastor clobbered for sexing married woman

That Zimbabwe so called pastor caught having affair with someone's wife. The fools are those who are fooled by these...

Video : Isaac Mugwagwa aka Boss Rhodes musvo

Isaac Mugwagwa aka Boss Rhodes and mystery woman.   VIDEO

Bikita chief Mupakwa and girlfriend

72 year old Bikita chief Mupakwa and girlfriend.Using government issued vehicle for illicit purposes and prostitution. Thats the chief...

ZANUPF thug and private sex worker Nyarry Zinanga accused of spreading HIV knowingly

A ZANUPF  internet thug  and woman of the night Nyarry aka Nyari Zinanga is said to be spreading HIV knowingly . ...

Fear and shock as abusive thug Mildred Ndebele causes terror on facebook

An internet terrorist Mildred Ndebele is leaving no stone unturned as she causes terror on facebook verbally abusing those who share...

Spreading HIV Pretty Gwiriri :Mugabe’s bodyguard Roleen Gandiwa’s ex-girlfriend

Spreading HIV knowingly is , Pretty Gwiriri , Roleen Gandiwa's ex girlfriend in South Africa .It is said Roleen later...

Tajamuka spokesperson Mkwananzi quits over fraud allegations.

  Tajamuka spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi has resigned in a huff following a slew of damaging allegations which include misappropriating donor funds...

Video : Footballer cheating video

Marriage ends over video Video
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