Married women caught cheating

Married woman caught cheating.   VIDEO 1   VIDEO 2

Eric Knight embarrasses me : Moira

  Moira, daughter to veteran broadcaster Eric Knight, says she is affected by her father’s shenanigans. The budding artiste expressed her dismay...

Video : Isaac Mugwagwa aka Boss Rhodes musvo

Isaac Mugwagwa aka Boss Rhodes and mystery woman.   VIDEO

Bikita chief Mupakwa and girlfriend

72 year old Bikita chief Mupakwa and girlfriend.Using government issued vehicle for illicit purposes and prostitution. Thats the chief...

Video : Fixed in bin

  Fixed for sexing someone's wife. VIDEO

Video : Under attack for sexing married woman

Under attack for sexing married woman. VIDEO

Video : Fraudster Genius Kadungure showing off his loot

Ginimbi the fraudster there bragging about his car dzemari yekuba ...shame uone zvakaita nyika and some thief is busy bragging...

Musvos: Wife in agony over Tari Chinyemba desperately seeks help

Wife seeks help as husband George Zaranyika deserts family for small house musvorologist Tarie Chinyemba Hurt is one of the many...

Video : Cheating wife truck driver Diamond Shereni

Sisi Vee discussion with musvorologist Diamond Shereni gonyeti driver. Hazi ane mukadzi akaita video nemukadzi uyo akaroorwawo ndobva Diamond atenderedza...
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