Video : Married woman Nyasha caught red handed with boyfriend Elliot Mandishara

Update : Elliot Mandishara is the man in video cheating with married woman Nyasha .He works at DRSS next to State...

Video:Roseline Chipere and Kelvin Ngarande at it

Said to be married Roseline Chipere and Kelvin Ngarande her small house . They reside in Seke. The two were...

Video : Thigh vendor caught in Mapanzure’s house

Small house said to have been caught in  Mapanzure's house. VIDEO

Chris Sambo’s wife : Woman mad over the musvorologist small house

The small house to the married man is Chris Sambo's wife .Word is also saying yes the musvorogist woman exposed...

The ZANUPF terrorists building cells in UK

These are the zanupf terrorists building terrorist cells in Britain led by their boss terrorist chairman Nick Mangwana. They faked asylum...

UK criminal docket against zanupf thug that terrorised anti -Mugabe advocate Viomak on whatsapp

As British police detective phones Human Rights Defender Viomak to confirm he has been assigned the death threats criminal case...

Donor funds abuse suspicion as Tswanda crowdfunding owners Nigel Mugamu and Tawanda Gwata...

Esther Mhuri 2 :  Donor funds abuse suspicion as Tswanda crowdfunding owners  Nigel Mugamu, founder of 263 Chat and Tawanda...

Video : Zanupf Dickson Chingaira Makoni not feeling well

  Sisi Vee: Maiwe kekekekeke vanhu vezanuka they never think we are all human beings created by God .Why not...

Video : Profake found in bush praying for naked woman

The man was interrupted before accomplishing his unholy mission. "Zvimachurch zvedu izvi .Chimuprophet caught praying for naked woman.Next time kwapurai zvese...

Video : Samantha Nzira cheating husband with boss

  " Samantha Nzira's husband works for Nyaradzo group" said a source. VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2
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