Married SA female cop bribed for sex

Employee undressing for musvo

Images : Said to be Mercy in Warren Park assaulted by husband

" Not sure arakashirwa dzei. Ndaomawo moyo these days fellow Zimbabweans.Been trying since 2005 to raise awareness , help etc...

Video :Woman seeking help : Child buttocks burnt by nursery teacher

A Zimbabwean woman , mai Munyengwi said she has tried all she can but to no avail.A nursery school teacher...

Doing wee on black person

Doing wee on black person .

Video : UK woman thrown out by husband as ‘divorce’ goes sour

  VIDEO " Shame. Have no idea of what happened in their marriage or musvo relationship.At least have the decency to let...

Girl mauled by bull dogs

Gr6 V4: Hi sis am currently staying in Beitbridge the issue of that child is but a grand tragedy...

PHD ministries prophet Walter Magaya claims Soul Jah Love is now healed

Due to the economic crisis and the destruction of the  education system which has turned quite a large number of...

Video : Said to be run over soldier in kombi fracas

HRDV Sisi Vee 2  : The soldier and kombi. Hapeno chimboitai. What I know is when driving if you...
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