Esther Mhuri second Appeal: Ngonidzashe Mavera says Tatenda Gwata who runs Tswanda internet crowdfunding with 263 Chat Nigel Mugamu set up the page without him knowing what was going on.
…as mystery surrounds Esther Mhuri’s second fundraising appeal .
Weeks ago various Go Fund Me pages were opened by some dubious Zimbabweans in the disapora without Esther’s knowledge as she wrote to sisi Vee.The pages were to fundraise for her mastectomy ( the removal of her breast).Patience Murapata one of the alleged conartists was named and shamed by sisi Vee after which she stopped the fundraising.
The mastectomy was a success after Esther received donations from other well wishers as confirmed by Esther to sisi Vee two weeks ago.
After a tip off a day ago it dawned on sisi Vee that a second fundraising appeal had been put in place for Esther.Spearheading the campaign on facebook and on Tswanda crowdfunding page is Ngonidzashe Mareva who explains two options to donate towards Esther’s chemotherapy.Well wishers have the option to donate through Esther’s ecocash account and secondly through a Tswanda fundraising page which was opened by Tatenda Gwata at Ngonidzashe’s request as in the screenshots sent by Ngonidzashe to sisi Vee. The Tswanda page also shows the person who is behind the page as Ngonidzashe Mareva.
Talking to Sisi Vee who was querying why the Tswanda fundraising page was opened yet Esther has an ecocash account and a bank account ,Ngonidzashe who was at task to explain the reason refered sisi Vee to Tatenda Gwata.
The screenshots sent to sisi Vee by Ngonidzashe show Tatenda Gwata confirming to Ngonidzashe that the page will be set up of which it was set up at Ngonidzashe’s request.However Ngonidzashe in the communication with sisi Vee claims to know nothing about who intiated the setting up of the page .Tatenda Gwata goes on to say he runs the Tswanda page with 263 chat Nigel Mugamu.From the look of things it seems the Tswanda crowdfunding page works like Go Fund Me where people register their causes and donated funds transfered into a bank account.
If that is the case it still remains a mystery whose bank account the money raised through Tswanda platform is going to.However for many crowdfunding pages the money goes to the person who intitiates the appeal.That person should be Ngonidzashe in this instance.If it is not Ngoni it should be Tatenda or Nigel.Sisi Vee is still to speak to Tatenda and Nigel.
Talking to sisi Vee today Ngonidzashe said,
[29/04 11:56 pm] Sisi Vee: A very good afternoon to you Mr Ngonidzashe Mavera.
Hoping you are doing great .Thank you so much for the helpful work pertaining to Esther Mhuri’s issue.Just wanted to know what the second fundraising you are spearheading for her is for? Secondly is the other option to donate that is linking to your page tswanda …in any way linked to her ecocash account.Lastly did she by any chance show you how much the first fundraising raised , how much she used and how much she was left with? Your response will be great appreciated.
[29/04 11:57 pm] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Can we talk?
[29/04 11:58 pm] Sisi Vee: Good evening and thank you so much for giving me your whatsapp instead of using facebook inbox.I have resend above the message I sent you on fb
[29/04 11:58 pm] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I was performing the whole day and I am tired and might sleep
[29/04 11:58 pm] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Can I call?
[29/04 11:58 pm] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Yes I got it
[29/04 11:58 pm] Sisi Vee: No problem at you hanzvadzi.You may rest we talk tomorrow
[30/04 1:12 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you so much hanzvadzi for the audio and for sharing your story .Greatly appreciated.
Is the other option to donate that is linking to your Tswanda donations page linked to her ecocash account?
In other words when people donate through the Tswanda page you opened on the internet does the donated money automatically transfer to Esther’s ecocash account If not where is the money going? Is it going to a South Africa bank account after which Esther will be sent the money by the SA Tswanda guys who you are probably not working with.If so is there any reason why the donations are not going to her ecocash account only …why was the Tswanda donations page opened yet Esther can receive money directly through her ecocash account?
[30/04 1:18 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: It was opened for people who don’t have access to give through Ecocash. Listen my sister. I am going to be accountable should anything go wrong. I started the campaign to help. I know the guys running the site. It’s not the first campaign.
Like I said, I have a million things going on and thought something as transparent as that works. People seeing how much they give and all. I can call the guys now and say give her the money, they have her Ecocash number. I wanted to minimize any temptation on either sides
[30/04 1:18 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: For Esther
[30/04 1:19 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Having Ecocash alone would mean we wouldn’t know how much was given
[30/04 1:19 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Like I said
[30/04 1:19 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: You are free to call up the guy I mentioned on Facebook
[30/04 1:20 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: If you feel it mustn’t be done that way maybe you have a suggestion
[30/04 1:20 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Something better
[30/04 1:20 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I honestly have so much going on
[30/04 1:20 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Ministry
[30/04 1:20 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Travel
[30/04 1:20 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Etc
[30/04 1:20 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I think it’s very transparent
[30/04 1:21 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Tomorrow chaiye we can take out whatever is there then Esther opihwa
[30/04 1:21 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: It’s so taxing now for me
[30/04 1:21 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Not the questions
[30/04 1:21 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you hanzvadzi.I greatly appreciate the help…I just want to know where the Tswanda money is going .Is it going into someone else’s bank account?If so whose bank account?
[30/04 1:22 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: But the fact that people are not willing to take it up from any one of us if things are not clear I ask that they take it up and do it in a way that will please everyone
[30/04 1:22 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: There’s the organization account
[30/04 1:23 am] Sisi Vee: Whose organisation?
[30/04 1:23 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: They asked me to tell them when cash was supposed to be sent
[30/04 1:23 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: My sis
[30/04 1:23 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Contact a guy named Tatenda Gwata
[30/04 1:23 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: He has those answers
[30/04 1:23 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I’ve dealt with them befor
[30/04 1:23 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Donated
[30/04 1:24 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: There wasn’t a problem hence my not questioning them
[30/04 1:24 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: The recipient got the funds
[30/04 1:24 am] Sisi Vee: May I please have his whatsapp number .Is it his organisation
[30/04 1:24 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I think it’s noble that you ask
[30/04 1:24 am] Sisi Vee: May I please have his whatsapp number .Is it his organisation
[30/04 1:24 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: That’s Nigel
[30/04 1:25 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Once you clarify
[30/04 1:25 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you so much hanzvadzi .Greatly appreciated
[30/04 1:25 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I kindly suggest that you come up with a better way
[30/04 1:28 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you so much for the suggestion hanzvadzi.I think the best way was for money to go into her ecocash account.I am not understanding why it is also going to Tswanda yet she has an ecocash account
[30/04 1:29 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Tswanda can’t keep records of that money if it passes straight
[30/04 1:29 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: We wouldn’t know that there is $172
[30/04 1:29 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: What’s your fear?
[30/04 1:29 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: That I am using money or Tswanda is?
[30/04 1:30 am] Sisi Vee: Yes
[30/04 1:30 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: We can terminate the campaign where it is and give her what’s there and you can assist with all the folks that don’t have means to Ecocas
[30/04 1:31 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: My suggestion
[30/04 1:31 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I will tell Tatenda
[30/04 1:31 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: To terminate campaign and give her what’s there
[30/04 1:32 am] Sisi Vee: Can you please give me the log in details for Tswanda fund me page on internet so I check whats in there
[30/04 1:32 am] Sisi Vee: Esther has bank accounts too
[30/04 1:32 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: What’s your email address
[30/04 1:33 am] Sisi Vee: You may use
[30/04 1:34 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: What’s your name?
[30/04 1:34 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you so much hanzvadzi.Greatly appreciated.Did you open it?
[30/04 1:36 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I didn’t open it. You can
[30/04 1:37 am] Sisi Vee: I mean the Tswanda account
[30/04 1:37 am] Sisi Vee: It has your name as the username
[30/04 1:38 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Yes that’s because the profile is mine
[30/04 1:38 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Remember page says campaign started by me
[30/04 1:38 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: You have power to say let the funds go to Tswanda and shut down campaign
[30/04 1:39 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I honestly started a campaign that I thought would assist her
[30/04 1:39 am] Sisi Vee: When I say that do the funds go to a bank account ?
[30/04 1:39 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I have enough of my own money to want to use such schemes
[30/04 1:40 am] Sisi Vee: Is it like a Go Fund me page…
[30/04 1:40 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I’m an artist whose fairly popular and I don’t need the shade of abusing funds on my portfolio
[30/04 1:40 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I was made to believe that it USC
[30/04 1:40 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: is
[30/04 1:40 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: But like I said
[30/04 1:41 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Tatenda can assist my sister
[30/04 1:41 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Inini
[30/04 1:41 am] Sisi Vee: Thank you so much for your help hanzvadzi.Just want to make sure all is transparent
[30/04 1:41 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Message Tatenda
[30/04 1:41 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: And ask that all the above be done
[30/04 1:41 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I’m at peace knowing that I tried
[30/04 1:42 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: And people are assisting dorectly
[30/04 1:42 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Directly
[30/04 1:42 am] Sisi Vee: The Tswanda log in details are showing your first and last name as username
[30/04 1:42 am] Sisi Vee: Who opened the Tswanda account?
[30/04 1:45 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: What I’m saying doesn’t seem to please you
[30/04 1:45 am] Ngoni
Mavera Esther: Contact Tatenda
[30/04 1:46 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: He can tell you how all this happened
[30/04 1:48 am] Sisi Vee: The Tswanda log in details are showing your first and last name as username
Who opened the Tswanda account?
[30/04 1:48 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Are you reading the screenshots?
[30/04 1:48 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Who set up
[30/04 1:49 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: They did
[30/04 1:49 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: He inboxed
[30/04 1:49 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: They own it
[30/04 1:49 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I gave info through email
[30/04 1:50 am] Sisi Vee: Yes I did.Thank you so much.Did they use your name to open the Tswanda account?
[30/04 1:50 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: What name?
[30/04 1:50 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I wasn’t given a choice to call it any othe
[30/04 1:50 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I didn’t fill in a form
[30/04 1:50 am] Sisi Vee: The log in details you gave me
[30/04 1:50 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: They sent me that
[30/04 1:50 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I submitted answers to questions
[30/04 1:51 am] Sisi Vee: So did they open it using your name?
[30/04 1:51 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: 1. Campaign Title: #Dollar4life Esther Mhuri chemotherapy fund
2. Target Amount: $3,150
3. Length: 30 April 2017 – 1 August 2017
4. Campaign Category: Medical
5. Campaign description – Esther Mhuri of 7 Barring Crescent, Lundi Park, Gweru, is a 37 year old single mother of 4 children. She successfully ran a hair salon until she fell sick. She had to close it down and seek medical attention and she was diagnosed with Breast cancer which was found in her right breast in 2012 and then in the left one in 2016. She was then advised to have a mastectomy done and through a donation by one man, the surgery was a success. After the surgery, her oncologist has since seen the need for her to undergo chemotherapy. Each cycle costs $450 and she needs 7 of those. The round of cycles needs $3,150 and we are appealing to everyone who can joint the #Dollar4life campaign to help. 3,150 people each giving a dollar can help Esther beat cancer.
6. images attached
7. No rewards
8. Campaign is being run by Ngonidzashe Mavera (We Can Beat Cancer)
9. We Can Beat Cancer Zimbabwe an organization that exists to raise awareness about cancer and help cancer patients beat the disease.
10. Harare, Zimbabwe
11. Ngonidzashe Mavera +263775048245
12. Ngonidzashe Mavera
[30/04 1:51 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: That’s what I sent
[30/04 1:51 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: The next thing I got that email
[30/04 1:51 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Please read what I’m sending you
[30/04 1:52 am] Sisi Vee: Ok.So they opened it using your name?
[30/04 1:52 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I feel you’re not taking time to read
[30/04 1:52 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: They decided
[30/04 1:52 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I didn’t
[30/04 1:52 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I sent the above info
[30/04 1:53 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: The rest of the questions you’re asking I’m as clueless as you are
[30/04 1:53 am] Sisi Vee: Did they open the Tswanda account in your name ?
[30/04 1:53 am] Sisi Vee: I am reading hanzvadzi but the info you are sending is not answering my question.
[30/04 1:54 am] Sisi Vee: I am trying to find where the Tswanda donated money is going
[30/04 1:56 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Call Tswanda and ask sis
[30/04 1:57 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I’m a novice at this
[30/04 1:58 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Please contact Nigel
[30/04 1:58 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Or Tatenda
[30/04 1:58 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: They can give answers pertaining to Admin work
[30/04 1:58 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: About the account I sent email with answers and they did the rest
[30/04 1:59 am] Sisi Vee: Ok hanzvadzi thank you so much.I will do so.The problem is your name was used to open the Tswanda account .Is Tswanda like Go Fund Me
[30/04 2:00 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I’ve never used Gofund me
[30/04 2:00 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Is my name a bank account
[30/04 2:00 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Does that affect anything?
[30/04 2:00 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: No one donating knows my number
[30/04 2:00 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I don’t receive money
[30/04 2:11 am] Sisi Vee: Ok.So you only send Nigel the press release to open the Tswanda page and he opened using your name?
[30/04 2:11 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Yes
[30/04 2:11 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: He didn’t ask me
[30/04 2:11 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: He just did
[30/04 2:12 am] Sisi Vee: Ok.Then after he opened the Tswanda page using your name you dont know what happened next but Tatenda knows?
[30/04 2:13 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: I don’t get your question?
[30/04 2:13 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Tatenda runs the Tswanda site
[30/04 2:14 am] Sisi Vee: Ok.So who opened the Tswanda page in your name without your permission?Is it Nigel
[30/04 2:15 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Tatenda runs the site
[30/04 2:15 am] Sisi Vee: Ok.So who opened the Tswanda page in your name without your permission?Is it Nigel
[30/04 2:18 am] Ngoni Mavera Esther: Tatenda
[30/04 2:20 am] Sisi Vee: Ok..and after that you dont know what is happening with the funds raised and to be raised?
…and there was no further response
More to follow