Winmore Mangidza and Twinka the princess aka Nikiwe in musvo dance video

The video is said to have been shot in Capetown ,Parklands sometime back. "The half naked girl is called Winnimore Mangidza...

Singer Nox Guni caught in musvo scandal involving Amai Gamu

Singer Nox Guni is said to be involved in a love gone bad conflict with an Amai Gamu aka Amai...

Musvo Video : Said to be Zimbabwean in diaspora

  No names as yet .     VIDEO  

Shameful ZANUPF fraudster William Mutumanje aka Acie Lumumba in disgusting sex tape with alleged...

Zanupf Acie Lumumba musvo video 1 Zanupf William Mutumanje aka Acie Lumumba musvo video 2 STATEMENT By William Mutumanje My fellow Zimbabweans. A few...

Video : The musvo dance

It never ends VIDEO

Video : Proud Musvorologist

Proud of herself VIDEO  

Musvorologist said to be officer at Fairbridge support unit

Musvos are said to be of a woman working as a support at Fairbridge support unit .Efforts to find her...

Musvo images: Who is this man who looks like so called prophet Walter Magaya

HRDV Sisi Vee 2: You cannot say it's not him because in your eyes they dont look alike . "...

Musvo video : Said to be Texas pastor David Wilson

USA Texas : Pastor Wilson David of the Bible Way Ministries and World Out Reach has finally reacted to his...
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