Singer Nox Guni is said to be involved in a love gone bad conflict with an Amai Gamu aka Amai Guru as on facebook ,  who all along was masquerading as Nox’s publicity officer yet she was his girlfriend .The singer together with his brother have been fingered in numerous love affairs with older women who they are said to use as their ATM’s. In August this year as their squabbles which have resumed underground were ongoing, Nox contacted sisi Vee on whatsapp supposedly fearing that his musvos would go viral . Below is their conversation after Nox’s musvo standing in what seemed to be a hotel room was sent to Sisi Vee.Nox refused to share more light on the issue .

1473348591299[1][18/08 2:44 pm] Nox Guni Singer: Wangu ndeipi


Nox and Amai Gamu aka Amai Guru
Nox and Amai Gamu aka Amai Guru

1473365184854 1473365306442Video  : Nox Guni
