Video : Man burnt for sexing someone’s wife

Vharai mazip kekekekeke VIDEO

Videos : Gladys Ngundu attacking friend for gossiping

Said to be "Gladys Ngundu beating up her friend for exposing her kuti ane Ronda risinga peri pakati pemagaro"   VIDEO 1   VIDEO...

UK Zanupf conwoman Ruramai Mashingaidze swindles Cyclone Idai victims £700: Victim

UK based Zanupf alleged conwoman Ruramai Mashingaidze is being accused of swindling Cyclone Idai victims £700 through a Go Fund...

Videos: Zimbabwe singers chant praises for alleged hijacker and kidnapper Tendai Musekiwa aka Silent...

Trucks hijacking criminal Tendai Musekiwa well known as Silent Killer aka Themba aka Morris alleged to have used his 13...

Viomak please help I was conned by Tendai Garandi the thief

  Hi Viomak,i would like to stay anonymous but i need you to name and shame imwe conman yakanetsa kuUk nekuAmerica...

Said to have been burnt alive in SA

Said to be Zimbabwean man who was burnt by coloured wife in SA.

Emmerson Mnangagwa car hits airtime vendor

"The man Faro who sells airtime is said to have been hit by one of Emmerson Mnangagwa's cars yesterday at...

4 Video : Electrocuted while stealing copper wire

  I dont understand why we never learn . Sisi Vee: Thank you so much hanzvadzi ?? eish people never learn...

Video : Zimbabwe armed robbers in South Africa

Said to be South Africa armed robbers . Heard they were about 25 or 24 , 1 Tswana etc and...

Man caught with a human head after car accident

  The man caught with a human head....
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