Speaking to sisi Vee today , a concerned Bulawayo resident who has seen it all said police officers stationed at Bulawayo central were given the case because Primrose was in Bulawayo and they were asked to arrest her and bring her back to Harare,but she was not arrested.Their superior chief inspector Enock Masimba blocked the investigation into the case.
“We then figured out that this Masimba was having an affair with Primrose’s aunt Caroline Sibanda. The police arrested Caroline on 01 March this year because they had received information that she is keeping Primrose at her house in Northend but chief Masimba made the police to release Caroline without charges and Primrose managed to get away from the police yet they were about to catch her. ” Said the relative.
“Now we hear Primrose is hiding in Chiredzi but Masimba keeps blocking the police from investigating saying there is no enough proof yet proof is there 100%” .Added the concerned relative.
” That’s why I decided to get your help sisi Vee,because as soon as this is made public, the police can launch an investigation and it will be out of corrupt Masimba’s hands and he won’t be able to block the investigation. Chief Masimba is also afraid that he will be in trouble for obstruction of justice as well as aiding and abeiting a known and wanted criminal Primrose Chiseva.” Continued the relative.
Meanwhile sisi Vee has established that Given Flint Matapure alleged accomplice in his murder Primrose Chiseva is residing at house number 18 Old Mill Hippo Valley, Chiredzi with her boyfriend Walter’s mother.
Writing to sisi Vee today a source said ,
“Hie tete,I know Primrose Chiseva I live in Chiredzi.She is notorious let me tell u. She goes to AFM Greater Grace Ministries and her pastor is called David Chitsvare.
The two were caught red handed at a hotel here in Chiredzi called Nesbit Arms Hotel last year in February but the story was swept under the carpet because Primrose’s father is retired Colonel Livson Chiseva in the army.
This year too Primrose and pastor Chitsvare came out in the newspaper called Masvingo Mirror because of their affair.Primrose is in a love triangle with the married pastor Chitsvare whilst she is engaged to a guy called Walter Ngundu who also stays in Chiredzi.Pastor David Chitsvare was beaten up by Walter Ngundu over his affair with Primrose.The story was very chaotic and Primrose stopped going to church for a while .Even Walter’s parents went to the church demanding to see pastor Chitsvare but church ushers refused them entry into the church.Primrose is a well known hure here.
Number yamai vaWalter 0772761211. She is a nurse called sister Cecilia Ngundu and she is the one who is accommodating Primrose and her son Walter at her place.
Number ya pastor David Chitsvare 0776033545.He took the images when Primrose was sleeping.The other image Primrose is with Walter.
Another source who once lived in the same neighbourhood with Primrose said ,
“Halo sisi Vee.I thought I was dreaming when I read your story on Primrose Chiseva.She used to stay kumaraini kwedu in fio,so everything u said abt her staying Ku old camp in Highfields is very true.I know for a fact Prim was sleeping neimwe sugar daddy inonzi Collen Chibarwa and akatoita nhumbu yake but akabvisa then akazotiza after nyaya yeabortion yanetsa mumaraini
Number ya Collen iyi 0772777638 maybe Collen is also involved in witchcraft inoitwa naprim sezvo vaidanana.
Sisi Vee has also been informed that ,
” Vanhu vakatenderedzwa nevanhu from police ichinzi yasunga kubva kumusikana wekuTynwald.A pastor atori mujeri izvezvi ainzi ari linked to Given’s death.
[28/10 8:39 pm] 200: Zvandoda kukuudzai hakuna D N A test yakaitwa pana Given sezvakataurwa pazbc story iyo. Bhutsu dza Given ndodzakaonekwa pachigomba chaive ne mabhonzo ne hat yaaive akapfeka.
[28/10 8:41 pm] Sisi Vee: Really? I read the other day kuti DNA yakaitwa kuSouth Africa but results were delaying maybe dzaingova nyaya.
[28/10 8:42 pm] 200: Inyaya idzo sister because police wanted to close this case.
[28/10 8:43 pm] 200: Vangani vamakanzwa vakasaitwa D.N.A test muzim .
More to follow…
Sisi Vee reporting for musvozimbabwe