As UK Psychiatry nurse Zimbabwean Paul Nyatsuro sent his musvo nude to teenage patient

  "Really disgusting behaviour by an idiot.....and when we name and shame such sewage Zimbabweans in UK sisi Vee is verbally...

Alleged UK online scammer Patience Murapata closes Esther’s Go Fund Me page as sisi...

  When a Zimbabwean woman Esther Mhuri decided to share her desperate plea for help due to breast cancer , little...

Conwoman Patience Murapata opens Go Fund Me account behind cancer lady Esther Mhuri’s back

  Esther Mhuri the woman whose appeal for help with breast cancer reached sisi Vee has told sisi Vee that she...

Of UK Nurse and alleged One Coin conartist Joyce Bepete as more victims...

Sisi Vee has had a discussion with Joyce Bepete.The A UK nurse registered in  Britain , Joyce Bepete and her...

UK based Zimbabweans Billy Makuwe and Joyce Bepete fingered in One Coin fraud

  Speaking to sisi Vee today Billy refused to give his side of the allegations in writing .He then prefered to...

Wanted : Edson Juan Gumbeze on the run after wife Locardia Mashonganyika murder

  Fill 15 Story Murder: Makadini henyu Sisi vee. Please hide my number Have a friend i learnt with Ku college who...

Videos : Xenophobia Do not watch if you cant stand brutality videos

Got them about 3 days ago ....not sure if they have a anything to do with the write up just...

UK based Joe M’ckarm aka Joe Makamu accused of being a fraudster and conman...

Writing to sisi Vee the woman hated by many for exposing , naming and shaming evil doers and loved by...

As Magaya’s ex head usher Catherine Nyangoni responds after viral story 

  Thanking all those who contacted her for whatever reason.It's really wrong conning fellow Zimbabweans. ???? +263 73 281 0526 Cathrine Nyangoni:...

Habitual con artist and Magaya’s ex-head usher Cathrine Nyangoni accused of...

The habitual con artist and Magaya's  ex-head usher Cathrine  Nyangoni  has been accused of  misappropriating church funds and other thieving. Once...
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