Speaking to sisi Vee today Billy refused to give his side of the allegations in writing .He then prefered to report to the police and also to raise the issue with his lawyer in a whatsapp communication below.
[25/02 9:12 pm] Sisi Vee: Hello Mr Makuwe.I hope I find you well.This is sisi Vee I write stories.I received the information below.I am kindly asking for your side of the matter so as to put me in the loop of it all.Your response will be greatly appreciated.
[25/02 9:12 pm] Sisi Vee: Hi Vio,
Could you help us please there is a lady stealing from people and I would like you to name and shame her but could you keep my name confidential.
Please find attached a bank statement and a pay in slip from Mrs Jessica to Joyce Bepete’s account as follows:
-On the 6th June 2016 Deposit of £2000 paid into Joyce’s Natwest account .
-Another transaction of £125 on the 20th June 2016 to Joyce.
Historically, on the 4th June 2016 Joyce meet Jessica at a one coin meeting in Brighton and Jessica asked Joyce to help her to join. Joyce asked Jessica to pay £2000 into her account to buy her packages but did not explain to Jessica which packages she can get.
However, after weeks of waiting for Joyce to come back to her with the packages Jessica phoned Joyce and Joyce asked for more money £125.
Therefore, in total Jessica paid Joyce £1125.
However, 4 months later still there was no response from Joyce and when Jessica phoned Joyce to ask for her packages or usernames and passwords Joyce started to threaten Jessica saying that because Jessica is a pensioner she would be in trouble if the Government finds out she has put money in One Coin. Jessica she’s old and can’t read or write. It was obvious .
Joyce was taking advantage of the old woman.
After many weeks of silence Jessica sought advice from her relatives who advised her to seek Police support to get her money back. Jessica decided to give Joyce one more chance by phoning her to ask what’s her username and password and Joyce again was threatening her.
However, Jessica then approached Joyce’s friend Pheobe to ask for the information before approaching police. Upon hearing Jessica was involving the police Joyce then send Jessica photos of a network tree with accounts Jr a Jr 1, Jr2 and the 3 packages sponsor is Billy Makuwe who is Joyce Bepete’s partner.
However,upon checking her packages cost Jessica found out that the packages Joyce had bought were one starter, trader and pro trader packs totalling €1760 yet Jessica had paid in total €2,348 and €588 balance is missing.
Up to now 6 MONTHS later Joyce Bepete has been refusing to hand over Jessica’s log in details and the email she created for her.
Please help Jessica recover her usernames and passwords from Joyce Bepete and her Partner Billy Makuwe.
We would appreciate your support but please could you keep my identity anonymous.
Both Joyce Bepete and Billy Makuwe they are on facebook. Please could you name and shame hopefully they will return the old lady’s £2000 plus the £120 she paid.
I heard Billy Makuwe who is Joyce’s boyfriend has no visa but has been working with Birmingham council and now he is planning to move to south africa with his patner in crime Joyce Bepete. Also Joyce is going to travel to Zimbabwe on the 8th Nov 2016 to recruit people for One Coin but little do people know Joyce she is going to defraud them. She will collect their money but wont buy the packages. Please warn people about Joyce and Billy. Please demand that Joyce go immediately to the nearest police station and handover the username and password for Jessica Ruwona.
[25/02 9:44 pm] Sisi Vee: Hello hanzvadzi.thank you for phoning.Apologies cant talk on phone now.You may send message ??
[25/02 9:46 pm] Billy Makuwe : No I want to talk to you. You have involved me in a case I am not party to. So I’m talking to my lawyer right now for damages.
[25/02 9:47 pm] Billy Makuwe : Against Jessica
[25/02 9:49 pm] Sisi Vee: So are you saying asking you for your views about what I heard about you means I am involving you in a case you are not part of ? Yes or No.
[25/02 9:50 pm] Billy Makuwe : If you are a genuine you should have no reason not to want to talk to me
[25/02 9:51 pm] Billy Makuwe : I am making this a police case.
[25/02 9:51 pm] Sisi Vee: So you think I am always available to take calls anytime right?
[25/02 9:53 pm] Billy Makuwe : When will you be available
[25/02 9:53 pm] Sisi Vee: You can go ahead and make it a police case if asking you to clarify is a criminal offence .You may also go ahead and advise your lawyer that sisi Vee asked me to clarify what she heard about me so can you please sue her.
[25/02 9:53 pm] Billy Makuwe : This is very serious
[25/02 9:54 pm] Billy Makuwe : Criminal offence!!!!. Whose side are you on
[25/02 9:55 pm] Billy Makuwe : Tell me how am I involved here. Your story is conflicted.
[25/02 9:55 pm] Sisi Vee: I’m not hear to argue with you love.I only did the right thing to contact you for your side.If your side is reporting to the police you may go ahead and report.
[25/02 9:55 pm] Sisi Vee: Do you understand English?
[25/02 9:56 pm] Sisi Vee: Which story of mine?
[25/02 9:56 pm] Billy Makuwe : If u are honest and upfront then you should talk to me. Right
[25/02 9:56 pm] Billy Makuwe : Answer my call
[25/02 9:56 pm] Sisi Vee: So I should leave all Im doing and talk with you on the phone right?
[25/02 9:57 pm] Billy Makuwe : Yes how come you have time to respond
[25/02 9:57 pm] Sisi Vee: Typing and talking are two different tasks
[25/02 9:58 pm] Billy Makuwe : So you are sisi Vee from where
[25/02 9:58 pm] Sisi Vee: Mutare
[25/02 9:59 pm] Billy Makuwe: Based in the UK
[25/02 9:59 pm] Billy Makuwe : Let’s talk about you
[25/02 10:00 pm] Sisi Vee: I only contacted you to hear your side of the story I heard about you.
[25/02 10:00 pm] Billy Makuwe : Yes but I need to know who I am talking to
[25/02 10:01 pm] Billy Makuwe : Maybe you are Jessica or someone sent by her
[25/02 10:01 pm] Billy Makuwe : Nyaya yawatanga ka iyi. It will backfire on you
[25/02 10:02 pm] Sisi Vee: I am a writer.I write stories which I then distribute to media houses for publication if they are interested.
[25/02 10:02 pm] Sisi Vee: It can backfire on me if it has to.
[25/02 10:02 pm] Billy Makuwe : Which platforms are you on
[25/02 10:03 pm] Sisi Vee: You mean media platforms?
[25/02 10:03 pm] Billy Makuwe : Yes
[25/02 10:03 pm] Billy Makuwe : And when can I talk to you
[25/02 10:03 pm] Sisi Vee: I give to any Zimbabwe media houses.
[25/02 10:03 pm] Billy Makuwe Tsotsi Uk: When can I talk to you
[25/02 10:03 pm] Sisi Vee: You can say your side on here it’s alright
[25/02 10:04 pm] Billy Makuwe : No. Why are u not willing to speak to me. Plus why did you mention my name???
[25/02 10:06 pm] Sisi Vee: I prefer the evidence of your side in messages too so that I dont misquote you on phone.
[25/02 10:06 pm] Billy Makuwe : I’m done with you because u don’t want to identify yourself. Jessica will reveal who you are.
[25/02 10:08 pm] Sisi Vee: Ok thank you so much hanzvadzi.Please feel free to contact me if you have to.Greatly appreciate you responding.
[25/02 10:08 pm] Billy Makuwe Tsotsi Uk: ??????
[25/02 10:09 pm] Sisi Vee: ?
Meanwhile sisi Vee has contacted Joyce for clarification and is still awaiting her response.