Video : As habitual deliberate liar Zimeye Simbarashe Chikanza lies about Apostle Chiwenga...
"Kekekekeke seka hako wasu .Hadzina kutokwana dzaSimba uyu.Atori nepsychological problem chaiyo. He spits flames of lies deliberately. That's how he...
Video : Woman gives birth to chicken
In Chimanimani a woman is said to have given birth to a chicken.
Image : Stuck on tree
Shame .The boy was stuck struggling inside as efforts to rescue him were proving to be fruitless.
Video : Tilda Moyo and the man with a folded penis
About two weeks ago the man with a folded penis is said to have been sorted by a madzibaba Steven...
Images : Machende enguruve served with salad and rice
My dear sister there and baby admin. She enjoys a plate of machende enguruve every month. She just likes them.
Sewage DJ Stavo and his rapist graphic designer Hastings Rwizi : Kushaina ngemboro mukore...
UPDATE : The Sewage DJ Stavo and his rapist designer in red
Fellow Zimbabweans we have since established that imbwa iyo...