UPDATE : The Sewage DJ Stavo and his rapist designer in red

Fellow Zimbabweans we have since established that imbwa iyo putting on a Red sweater bragging about kusvira is called Hastings Rwizi from Gweru but he is currently in Harare .He is said to be the graphics designer of so called popular sewage DJ Stavo.

” Designing zvekupenga .I bet he rapes school children too His mindset is certainly of a paedophile . Whoever the DJ who associates with such sewage is .I guess both should be investigated for raping children. Never allow your children (boys and girls) near the two ” Said sisi Vee.

” Ndianiko imbwa iyi ?Shame… typical …the brains hardly think beyond penises and vaginas….basa kundofunga zvemboro nemapeche ..anhu ekuti when they see a woman they see a vagina and when they see a man they see a penis kwaaaaaa kekekekekeke seka hako wasu and we wonder why black societies are infested with low lifers yet the answer is so simple .We speciailise in wrong things. Mukore uno wesmart phone wekuti finger print yechikunwe yakuvhura phone not kundosungisa basi amwe achikushaina ngemboro chiro chekuti even imbwa inacho ????

Kutozvirowa dundundu kuti ndinogona kusvira.While some men brag about walking on the moon some brag about kugona kusvira.kekekekekekeke seka hako wasu” Laughed sisi Vee.