Video : Man oozing honye after sexing friend’s wife

Man oozing honye at n'anga after doing musvo with friend's wife. VIDEO

Video : Tsikamutanda

Munhu mutema VIDEO  

 Sewage DJ Stavo and his rapist graphic designer Hastings Rwizi : Kushaina ngemboro mukore...

UPDATE : The Sewage DJ Stavo and his rapist designer in red Fellow Zimbabweans we have since established that imbwa iyo...

Video : Snake fake prophet

For the love of money fake prophet VIDEO  

Video : Man caught red handed raping sex doll

1 Gr7 : Sisi how are u? 1 Gr7 : Nyaya yema sex dolls iyi has caught my interest mufunge....

Videos :Supermarkets and service stations refusing bond notes as Sisi Vee contacts Mangundya

Musvozimbabwe has been made to understand that the official introduction of the Reserve bank bond notes today is a farce.Supermarkets...

Video : Bees manhandle alleged car thief

Said to be from Uganda .Blabbermouth saying the man stole a car and was bewitched by the owner of the...

Guruve cow gives birth to weird creature

Cow in Guruve said to have given birth to a human being faced offspring with a pig like body.  

Musvo dispenser. Wasted talent

Musvo dispenser VIDEO
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